Course Introduction
Cloud computing has been around for a few years now and continues to be built on the foundations of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). Public and private cloud implementations are now mainstream options that solution architects need to understand and consider in their role. There are a range of capabilities and issues that need to be successfully navigated to support the adoption, development and performance optimization of cloud solutions and services in the enterprise and the wider marketplace and IT ecosystem.
This syllabus examines these major issues and modern cloud-enabled systems and services and their impact on business models, software, hardware and devices. It looks at the following emerging new trends and leading architecture solutions:
Tablets and other smart devices and platforms and their important role today in modern internet-based service ecosystems.
The development of private cloud solutions and hybrid cloud solutions that are complementary and alternative to public clouds and their role in business and IT portfolio management and service hosting and delivery models.
How social enterprise and business processes are converting into new online end user experience systems, mash-ups and services.
Cloud computing is also creating new development, test and delivery models that are spreading across on-premise and off-premise hosting and deployment channel models.
Solution architects need to consider how existing systems and new solution practices driven by on-demand cloud computing are impacting on consumers, provider private- and public-enabled systems and the integrated hybrid categories of IT and business that are now part of today’s technology landscape.
Learning Levels
The modern version of Bloom’s taxonomy of learning is a widely used classification framework for course syllabi and assessments for certification. The taxonomy classifies learning into six ascending levels.
Level 1 – the Knowing Level: Exhibit memory of previously learned materials by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers.
Level 2 – the Comprehension level: Demonstrative understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas.
Level 3 – the Application level: Using new knowledge. Solve problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way.
Level 4 – the Analysis level: Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalizations.
Level 5 – the Evaluate level: Present and defend opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas or quality of work based on a set of criteria.
Level 6 – the Creation level: Compile information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions.
The level of this advanced course for the Professional Cloud Solution Architect role is level 3-4 (Apply, Analyze).
Module objective
Module 1. History of Cloud Computing
Key Topics
Why Cloud
Basics of Cloud Computing
SOA and Cloud
Learning Objectives
(L2) Explain the history of emergence of cloud computing.
(L3) Interpret the importance of the history of computing and the impact on cloud architecture design.
(L4) Explain the pros and cons of utility computing, grid computing, and cloud computing.
(L3) Relate the impact of the shift from virtualization to cloud.
(L4) Understand the impact of factors such as the Internet, sustainability, energy awareness, and the emergence of tablets and smart devices on business.
(L3) Interpret cloud-related service models, including Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and enterprise architecture.
Module 2. Impact of Cloud Computing
Key Topics
Impact on Business and IT Models
Impact on Change – Business, IT Transition, and Transformational Drivers
New Business Models – Custom Versus Product
Comparison of Make, Buy, and Rent
Value and Monetization Impact
Security, Risk, and Compliance Impact
Learning Objectives
(L2) Explain how cloud computing has created new types of business and IT models through disruption and innovation.
(L3) Relate the key risk, security, and legal issues inherent in applying cloud solutions.
(L4) Outline the correct variant architecture solutions in case study scenarios.
Module 3. Technology Engineering of Cloud Computing
Key Topics
Protocols, Interfaces, and Frameworks
Web of Devices and Web of Services
Internet, Internetworking, and Telecommunications
Data Centers, Facilities, and Fabric
Cloud Technology Components
Learning Objectives
(L2) Outline the changes in information technology that have enabled cloud computing.
(L3) Explain the technology implications of operating “as a service”.
(L3) Identify the relevant key engineering related to cloud solutions architecture.
(L3) Distinguish the relevant technology stack layers and their shift towards distributed network based services.
(L3) Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between virtualization and cloud management.
(L4) Analyze the types of cloud resources, including cloud storage, cloud database, and Operating System (OS).
Module 4. Cloud Computing Solution Architectures
Key Topics
The Architecture Layers
Cloud Solution Architectures: XaaS
Cloud Reference Architecture Principles
Consumer and Provider Reference Architecture
Cloud Security Reference Architectures
Industry Reference Architecture Standards
Learning Objectives
(L2) Outline the development of architecture reference models in information technology.
(L3) Show the impact and influence of new cloud-enabled solution reference architecture models.
(L4) Compare the different consumer and provider perspectives of cloud computing architectures.
(L3) Outline appropriate architecture module views and key metadata used to define a cloud solution architecture in IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
Module 5. Cloud Service Life Cycle
Key Topics
Key Concepts of Cloud Service Life Cycle
Key Cloud Computing Life Cycle
Sourcing and Provisioning Life Cycle
Product and Custom Service Life Cycle
Development Ops Life Cycle
Service Management Life Cycle
Cloud Governance Life Cycle
Learning Objectives
(L2) Recapitulate the different control and management issues in different cloud deployment solutions.
(L3) Identify and apply the different cloud life cycles.
(L4) Define the key features of cloud service life cycle steps.
(L3) Identify the key architecture features that affect cloud service selection and delivery.
Module 6. Service Transition and Service Transformation
Key Topics
Benefits, Challenges, Opportunities, and Barriers
Investors’ and Stakeholders’ Expectations
TCO Models
Impact of Cloud on Business Operating Models
Impact of Cloud on Legacy IT
Impact of Cloud on Migration and Transformation
Cloud Transformation and Innovation
Learning Objectives
(L2) Summarize the key features and issues of transitioning to cloud services and their impact on transforming the business.
(L3) Identify features and issues of running IT as a business in cloud computing.
(L3) Recognize the primary issues involved in the certification and accreditation of a cloud solution.
(L4) Compare different strategies to maximize the enablers and minimize the barriers of adopting cloud computing as a business option.
Module 7. Consumer Perspective on Setting Up Cloud Environments
Key Topics
Key Consumer Processes for Cloud
Consumer Usage Models and Scenario
Key Consumer Solution Architecture Features
Learning Objectives
(L2) Summarize the key business features of a consumer cloud solution architecture.
(L3) Prepare and plans a specific consumer cloud environment for a given scenario.
(L4) Identify the key steps in setting up a consumer cloud environment.
Module 8. Provider Perspective on Setting Up Cloud Environments
Key Topics
Cloud provider processes to set up a cloud environment
Cloud provider usage models and scenarios
Cloud provider solution architecture features
Learning Objectives
(L3) Explore the perspective of a cloud provider when architecting a cloud environment.
(L3) Summarize the key business features of a cloud solution architecture.
(L4) Prepare and plan a specific cloud provider environment for a scenario.
(L4) Identifies the key steps in setting up a cloud environment.
Module 9. Cloud Ecosystem
Key Topics
Cloud Ecosystem – Introduction
Internet of Things (IoT)
Business and Technology Ecosystems and Drivers
Entities and Ecosystems – Cloud Interactive Ecosystem Language
Learning Objectives
(L2) Understand the cloud-based ecosystem.
(L3) Identify the impact of wider concepts, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Everything (IOE), on the process of architecting cloud solutions.
(L4) Discover and prioritize the value drivers of business and technology ecosystems.
(L2) Understand the Ecosystem Design Language.
Module 10. Types of XaaS Solutions
Key Topics
XaaS Solutions and the Architecture Landscape
XaaS Solution Definitions
Make, Buy, Subscribe, and Reuse Options Analysis
Cloud ROI and TCO Models
Learning Objectives
(L2) Relate to the historical development of cloud computing and its future path to new cloud ecosystem solutions.
(L3) Identify the types of Anything/Everything as a Service (XaaS) solutions and service options.
(L3) Identify the key cloud functional and non-functional criteria.
(L4) Define and compare the features of the different XaaS solution architecture models.
(L3) Define a cloud solution architecture design.
Module 11. Targeting the Right Solution Architecture
Key Topics
Cloud Solution Requirements
Cloud Fit Selection
Cloud Solution Architecture Specification
Cloud Business Case
Cloud Implementation Roadmap
Learning Objectives
(L3) Identify the criteria to fit the cloud solution requirements for a specific type of cloud solution.
(L2) Define the key cloud solution architecture specifications.
(L4) Prepare a business case for a cloud solution.
(L2) Identify key stages and tasks for a cloud implementation roadmap.